I Strange Fruit.jpg


How does one define the conscious being or Absolute? How does the artist project and the participant perceive Being and the space in which Absolute consciousness and the ether live?  Life experience is often expressed as a series of events, often given definition by history and time. How does art emancipate itself from the constraints of time and become the conduit that communicates the ontology which lays in the transparent and the opaque- the being of consciousness that occurs as an individual and as a collective conscious? What is the transcendental nature of art and what lies in the ethereal between the bridge of connection?

Using the transparency of mylar, my current body of work is a series in which both the objective and subjective join as I attempt to explore an individual existence, collective existence, isolation, and identity through a series of seemingly random experiences.  Each work contains a transparent narrative and is ‘Reflective’ of Jacques Lacan’s idea of the Mirror-Phase as formative of the function of I. These pieces contain ideas of identification and transformation as determined by that which resides in the translucency of being and reality.  Each piece represents a kinetic conversation between the artist through the materials, the transference of the physics of conscious energy and recognition of being that resides in the I of the artist as they have identified themselves and that which lies in the spaces between.